250 Anniversary Special Tour Series: People in Portraits
2:00 pm
The portraits in the Hammond Harwood House recall the lives of men and women who lived, worked, and raised families in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
The portraits in the Hammond Harwood House recall the lives of men and women who lived, worked, and raised families in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Volunteers are invited to historic Hammond-Harwood House to help create and decorate the items to be sold at the Holiday Greens Sale.
Families are invited to Hammond-Harwood House for a morning of holiday stories and crafts.
Participants will enjoy a 90-minute guided tour of the house that compares the customs and social graces of the Loockerman family, with those of characters in Jane Austen novels.
Join Curator, Lucinda Dukes Edinberg for an in-depth view of the ceramic and silver collection of the Hammond-Harwood House.