Jane Austen Tour
Participants will enjoy a 90-minute guided tour of the house that compares the customs and social graces of the Loockerman family, with those of characters in Jane Austen novels.
Participants will enjoy a 90-minute guided tour of the house that compares the customs and social graces of the Loockerman family, with those of characters in Jane Austen novels.
Chase-Lloyd House and Hammond-Harwood House – Guests will learn about the architectural details and the longstanding social history that connects these two great houses on Maryland Avenue.
On this cemetery tour, visitors will discover the fascinating lives of the men and women who called the Hammond-Harwood House home.
Participants will enjoy a 90-minute guided tour of the house that compares the customs and social graces of the Loockerman family, with those of characters in Jane Austen novels.
Join us for an African American History Tour at the Hammond-Harwood House.
Participants will enjoy a 90-minute guided tour of the house that compares the customs and social graces of the Loockerman family, with those of characters in Jane Austen novels.
On this tour, visitors will learn what the lock-down rituals would be for the Loockerman family in the early 19th century, as they try to keep their family secure.
The portraits in the Hammond Harwood House recall the lives of men and women who lived, worked, and raised families in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Participants will enjoy a 90-minute guided tour of the house that compares the customs and social graces of the Loockerman family, with those of characters in Jane Austen novels.