Friday Photo: Delicious Weather

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I hope you’re outside enjoying the sunshine today! Unfortunately the forecast says it’s going to be short-lived. But if you find yourself yearning for sunshine and flowers while sitting inside staring at the rain this weekend, you can purchase your ticket for the Hammond-Harwood House’s Secret Garden Tour on June 2 and 3. It will take place in the lovely Murray Hill neighborhood in Annapolis, and feature beautiful private gardens.  Tickets are $25 in advance and will be $30 the weekend of the Tour.

Posted on Apr 27, 2012 in , by Hammond-Harwood House



Hammond-Harwood House

The mission of the Hammond-Harwood House Association is to preserve and to interpret the architecturally significant Hammond-Harwood House Museum and its collection of fine and decorative arts, and to explore the diverse social history associated with its occupants, both free and enslaved, for the purposes of education and appreciation.
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