Friday Photo: Find Your Own!

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This intrepid blogger is feeling a bit under the weather this week, so I decided to make this edition of Friday Photo a Do-it-Yourself version. This week, Yale University announced that it will offer free, unlimited access to digital images of the items in its museums, archives, and libraries. There are currently 250,000 searchable, downloadable images online, but over the course of the next few years the total should reach into the millions. Click here to go to the database, and have fun finding new images to decorate your desktop. If you’d like an image related to the Hammond-Harwood House, I suggest you enter “William Buckland” in the search box so that this distinguished gentleman will appear…

Posted on May 13, 2011 in , by Hammond-Harwood House



Hammond-Harwood House

The mission of the Hammond-Harwood House Association is to preserve and to interpret the architecturally significant Hammond-Harwood House Museum and its collection of fine and decorative arts, and to explore the diverse social history associated with its occupants, both free and enslaved, for the purposes of education and appreciation.
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